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Pump track is a series of slides, counter-inclines, tracks connected to the route, on which the athlete must not twist the pedals to pass the route only due to energy, balance and racking.
Pump tracks exist in several types:
- clay
- plywood
- asphalt
- concrete
The pamrette itself is a very interesting object, since it can be occupied by an athlete or a child with a level 0 or a beginner. Unlike the skatepark, you can not restlessly worry about the safety of your child that he vzryzhitsya in one of the structures or some angle (in the case of clay pamptrekom),but forget about using a helmet, never worth it.
For 10 years, we realized that thanks to a pamplet and ease of classes in it, it is possible to attract more youth to extreme sports. Rolling on the pampletke, you are seized by this action, each time you try to pass faster and faster the given route, try (unwillingly) stunts on. type of menual (riding on the rear wheel), banihope (jump on the bike, when both wheels come off the ground), these tricks are often obtained due to the fact that you may not have time to transfer the balance or calculate your strength. One sentence of a pumptrek -it's like the initial level of classes before going to the skatepark, again do not forget that you should not overestimate your abilities, especially when the skateparks are engaged by guys with a higher level than you, always, control who and where to go in which direction. All the rules regarding the finding of several people in the skatepark are also related to finding a pamptrake.
Of course you can create a similar platform yourself, but only knowing the radii, angles, security zones, you can get a decent pametrack, and this without certain knowledge and skills is not possible).
Our last pampltec was sold in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk, where we realized the most skeptical skatepark of Ukraine at that time on September 16, 2017. At the moment the largest skatepark of Ukraine is in Odessa.

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